Tuesday 11 December 2012

Our Elephant poem

We practised and practised our elephant poem and then we said it on the video.

Wednesday 21 November 2012

Room 2 at Swimsafe 2012

Click to play this Smilebox photo album
src="http://www.smilebox.com/globalImages/blogInstructions/blogLogoSmilebox.gif" style="border: medium none;" width="420" />
Make a photo album

Wednesday 14 November 2012

No Wrap Wednesday

Every week Vardon School has a No-Wrap Wednesday.(That means no wrappers in your lunchbox.)  
Paper is okay and so are reusable plastic bags, but no plastic wrap or chippie packets. Mrs Head finds out who the best NoWrap class is each week and they get a special certificate at Monday assembly.

Room 8 are really good at having No Wrap in their lunchboxes so we asked them to give us some help. They gave us ideas on what to bring and how to use little containers that we can wash each day.
Some Room 8 children had groovy lunchboxes with different compartments and some used recycled containers!  They are very resourceful!
Next week we are going to help our mums to let us bring less wrap or no wrap on Wednesday.

Looking at the Sun

We saw a partial solar eclipse today.
We put some glasses on to protect our eyes and we looked up at the sun. This is what we saw:

I saw an orange moon and it was up in the sun - Gemma
The big part it was black and the moon was orange.  It was very cool - Kaylee
I saw black and orange. The moon looked orange.  It was a half moon, it was cool. I was looking at the sun but I saw the moon! - Sienna.
I saw a yellow- orange moon in the glasses - Adam
I saw a moon at school.  When I looked at the sky, I saw an orange moon - Jordiss.
We were wearing the glasses and we saw a gold moon.  It was in the shape of a banana.  It was in the black sky! - Hayley.
I saw a gold moon. It was shaped as a banana with black spots on it. - Caelan
I can see an orange moon when I look at the sun. - Eva.

I looked in the glasses and I saw the moon in the sky.The moon was orange.- Latai

Junior Team Athletics Day

Have a look at the action at our athletics day!

Saturday 10 November 2012

Telling our story about the river walk

Thursday 8 November 2012

Oliver's River Walk story

Room 2 and Room 6 went to the Waikato River this morning.  It was boring  because I have been there before. We saw my house. It was fun back at school.
by Oliver

Kaylee's River Walk

Room 2 and Room 6 walked to the Waikato river. We were learning about rivers.  Parents came too.  We went down the steps and up again.  We fed the goose.  We saw the water pipes and at the goose part, Mrs Scott gave everyone a lolly to suck.  I enjoyed the River Waikato and it was very fun.  We went back to school.
by Kaylee

Anaru's river walk

Room 2  and  Room 6  went  to  the  Waikato  River.  We  saw  ducks  eating  bread  and  we  saw  Room 4 at the river.
by Anaru

Latai's River Walk

This morning Room 2 and Room 6 went for a walk to Waikato river. I was interested when we went to Waikato River. Some parents came with Room 2 and Room 6 we had to walk down the steps.  There were 79 of the steps and there were pipes and water was coming out of the pipes. I saw a big goose and it was a white goose.  That was my first time seeing a big white goose.  Room 2 and Room 6 got one lolly each. We sucked the lolly, then we turned around and  came back to school.  I was happy that we went to the Waikato River. It was amazing at the Waikato River.  We had our picture taken by Mrs Scott.
by Latai

Kieran's River Walk

Room 2 and Room 6 went to the Waikato River. I counted 89 steps.  I felt happy on the walk because I was with my friend.  We saw a goose with the ducks. We saw a buoy in the water.  I think it is a taniwha's letter box. We turned around so we could get back to school.  At the end of the walk I felt exhausted!

Poppy's River Walk

Today Room 2 and Room 6 went to the Waikato River. It was a cool day for a walk. We fed the ducks some bread. We saw some pipes that had water coming out of them. We had to count the steps on the way there. I think there were about 77 steps or more but we don't know how many steps there were. Some parents came and they looked after us and made sure we were safe and made sure we didn't fall in the river. Then we turned around to go back to school. I felt tired on the way back to school and then we were back at school again. Hooray!
By Poppy

Sunday 4 November 2012

Ice Cream for Oral Language

Last week we read a big book called Grizzly and the Bumblebee.  Grizzly's Mum said he should put his sore paw in the ice cream to cool it down, but Grizzle ate the icecream!

We have been talking about what ice cream is and what you use it for.  Then we thought about what goes with ice cream and what it looks like and feels like.  The best part was "What does it taste like?"  We talked so much about ice cream it was really good fun to eat some!  How much do you know about ice cream?


We have been practising our running to get ready for the 
"Athletics Day" which is coming up next week!

Saturday 27 October 2012

Room 6 Visitors



Room 2 had some Room 6 visitors on Friday afternoon so we were allowed to choose some activities to do.  We worked and played with the children from Room 6 and showed them some of our computer programmes that we use.
It was fun having visitors and it was fun having a "choosing" afternoon.  We usually have to work!

Friday 19 October 2012

Our Shared Reading

Room 2 made this wonderful video.  We felt like we were on TV because we had to do it so many times before it was right. I hope you enjoy it!

Tuesday 16 October 2012


We are taking part in a Mathethon for weeks 1-3 of Term 4.  We have 2 weeks to practise before the "quiz". Click on the link below to practise your math skills.
Room 2 children will be doing the White or Yellow & Red level.
I hope you can practise and get really good at your number knowledge!

Sunday 7 October 2012

Marley and the Bunnies

Hi Room 2 
Are you enjoying your holiday?
These are the bunnies that I told you about.  I remember saying that they were quite ugly when they were born and now...   ... they are so cute!
They are old enough to be sold so they have all gone to the pet shop.
Some lucky person is going to buy a rabbit to look after!

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Jigsaw puzzle

For some holiday fun Room 2, you can see how fast you can finish this puzzle.
There's another one on the pirate page!

Wednesday 26 September 2012

Earthquake Drill

Try our slideshow maker at Animoto.
We all practised "Drop,Cover and Hold" this morning so that we know what to do to stay safe in an earthquake. We read a cool poem as well.

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Talk like a Pirate Day

All the children in Room 2 know that 19th September is Talk like a Pirate Day.  We started by making a pirate hat for ourselves.  We painted it black and then we glued on a skull and crossbones.  Then we all went outside to the playground to walk the plank...
 ...and we hadn't even done anything wrong!

We had to paint our pirate hat black.

We thought about what we already know about pirates.

We talked like pirates!
We had our photo taken.....

...then walked the plank!

Lucky there were no sharks, so we could all go back to class.
Our reading books today were pirate books and we learnt a cool song about pirates.

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Visitors from far away!

We  had visitors to our class today. Dana came this morning and we looked for her country on Google maps.  She showed us Canada and we even saw the house she lives!  We asked her lots of questions and she told us some interesting things about her country.  Did you know that they call fizzy drink pop?  They also have different animals to us.  They have moose and bears and they are really wild animals!!  We found out that New Zealand is a lot smaller than Canada and it is a long way away.

After lunch, Michaela came to our room and she showed us some pictures from her country.  She speaks a different language to us, as well.  She comes from Germany and in the video she is telling Latai what she likes to eat for dinner.  We didn't know what she was saying!! It has been very interesting having visitors from other countries.  Thank you for coming to see us Dana and Michaela.

Production Practices

The Vardon School production is over now.  We had a lot of practices
with Room 9 and Room 13 and it was great fun getting ready for the show!
We had suns painted on our faces and we were dressed in yellow.
We looked bright and sunny!
It will be really good watching the video when it is ready because
we haven't seen the whole show yet.  The videos should be ready early next term.

Monday 17 September 2012

What is this?

This is a fish beside a drain at school. We found 18 fish around our school.
Why are they there?
They are not real so they must be telling us something!
When the water goes down the drain, the water goes to the river where the fish are.
What is a drain?
Something that water goes down. 
It takes the water to a pipe.
The pipe takes the water past the next drain.
It takes the water to the sea or the river.
We have to keep rubbish away from the drains because it will go to river and make the river dirty

Sunday 2 September 2012

Daffodil Day


We all made a special daffodil because we were thinking about what daffodil day means.  We wrote some stories as well.